Скрипторий: Pelegox cube (rage of elements) - pf2.ru

Скрипторий: Monster - pelegox cube (rage of elements)

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Monster - pelegox cube (rage of elements)

Pelegox Cube
Creature 11
Uncommon Gargantuan Elemental Metal Troop
Pelegoxes are beings of condensed magnetic energy that fashion bodies for themselves using their surroundings. Though a pelegox's true form is a spherical core, it pulls metal fragments of various shapes and sizes to form a polyhedral shell. Though pelegoxes might develop preferences for a particular form when at rest, they continue to look for new configurations to call their own, happiest when they can experiment with endless possibilities, even if it means dismantling other metallic entities.
These piecemeal creatures move by a combination of magnetic levitation and propulsion, and when that doesn't work, by continuously piercing the ground and shifting their weight forward, looking almost like moving caltrops. Over time, the magnetic signature of a pelegox becomes visible, etched into its body in patterns of concentric lines. These unique designs make it possible to distinguish between individual pelegoxes even when their surface has eroded.
Pelegoxes are quick to form relationships with others of their kind. They delight in combining their individual bodies into ever larger, more elaborate structures and patterns. As such, it is rare to find a pelegox on their own— they prefer to travel in a clustered form.
Recall Knowledge - Elemental ( Arcana, Nature): DC 30
Unspecific Lore: DC 28
Specific Lore: DC 25
Source Rage of Elements
Perception +22; metalsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Talican; telepathy 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +22, Athletics +21, Crafting +20, Diplomacy +21
Str +4, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +4
Metalsense A pelegox cube can sense metal creatures and objects as an imprecise sense.
AC 31; Fort +21, Ref +24, Will +18
HP 210 (16 squares); Thresholds 140 (12 squares), 70 (8 squares); Resistances electricity 10; Weaknesses area damage 15, splash damage 10
Troop Defenses
Speed fly 25 feet; troop movement
Entrancing Shapes 2 ( mental, occult, visual) The pelegox cube rapidly shifts, creating a display of seemingly impossible geometric patterns. Creatures in a 60-foot cone take 9d6 mental damage (DC 29 basic Will save). A creature that fails is also fascinated with the pelegox cube and stupefied 1 for 1 minute. Form Up 1 Scrambled Strike 1 to 3 Frequency once per round; Effect The pelegox cube rearranges to create jutting spikes, attacking each enemy within 10 feet (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.
1 2d6 piercing damage
2 3d6+10 piercing damage
3 5d6+10 piercing damage
Shard Volley 2 The pelegox cube magnetizes fragments of metal at range. This is a 10-foot burst within 30 feet that deals 2d6+10 piercing damage (DC 27 basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst. Troop Movement Whenever the troop Flies, it first Forms Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then moves up to its Speed. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square of the troop enters difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the entire troop.

Refined Tastes

Less interested in arbitrary assignments of monetary value, pelegoxes prefer metals that display new forms or colors. They are as likely to trade a pure sphere of dawnsilver for a jagged piece of corroded copper as they are to keep a priceless djezet carving forever. However, even pelegoxes assign great value to orichalcum, as the skymetal's time-bending restorative properties grant the freedom to shape new configurations without being beholden to an unsatisfactory result.